Thursday, November 28, 2013

November 28th update

I'm surprisingly upbeat about my InNoWriMo book now.  I know my last post was negative about my writing, but my point in writing about the cowardice I described was that I had seen it and understood it enough to fight against it.

There are two days left in November and I have less than 2000 words to go.  I can do this and, after much revision, will have a thrilling tale that I created.

One place where I was not overly verbose was in describing how a character gets killed.  I don't think this phrasing will survive revision and it is probably wrong that I chuckle when reading how I killed someone, but here it is now:
    She was moving to the river when the car of 'ndrina toughs arrived.  She was at the river when they beat the shit out of her, protected from her powers by the approaching car of psychics.

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